
Executive Team

Trish Jakovich

Director of Junior School

Andrea McNally

Director of Senior School

Kellie Hasluck

Director of School Development & Philanthropy

David Scanlan

Director of People and Culture

Luke Callier

Director of Business Operations

Nicole Adams

Director of Teaching and Learning (JK-12)

Doug Loader

Director of Information & Learning Technologies

Leadership Team

Cora Algie

Dean of Academics and Analytics

Jo Swain

Dean of Student Wellbeing (7-12)

Rachel Stenslunde

Dean of Boarding (7-12)

Helen Thompson

Dean of School Operations and Cocurricular

Sharne Clayton

Dean of Junior School

Karen Donnelly

Head of Academics and Analytics

Maylin Tai

Head of Academic Growth

School Council

St Hilda’s is well served by a volunteer Council consisting of 13 highly skilled people from a range of professions. Nominating bodies include the Synod of the Diocese of Perth, the Diocesan Council, the Archbishop, the School Council, the Old Scholars’ Association and the St Hilda’s Parents’ and Friends’ Association.

The role of the Council is to oversee the medium and long term strategic direction of the School. It meets a minimum of 8 times during the academic year to discuss strategic issues and to monitor financial and other governance matters. Council members are also assigned to one or more of the working committees according to their particular skills. The current Council committees are: Finance, Infrastructure and Development, Governance and CIRG.

Council Members


The Foundation is a body incorporated under the authority and upon the initiative of the School Council of St Hilda’s in 1987 to secure the School’s financial independence.

The main focus of the Foundation Board is the prudent investment of the Foundation funds in order to establish a firm base for the long term financial security and independence of the School. The School makes available a proportion of the confirming fees to assist in increasing the corpus. It is also the beneficiary of generous bequests.

Foundation Members

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