Changes to the way we report

A concerning phrase in any organisation, and particularly dangerous in schools is “we’ve always done it this way”. A better phrase to guide strategic thinking is “what can we do better?”

This change of thinking is vital. Leading a learning organisation versus a static organisation creates the opportunities we need to realise our vision for St Hilda’s. As we reflect on our COVID-19 experience, our School Executive Team is identifying opportunities for organisational transformation so that we can further consolidate St Hilda’s position as a leader in girls’ education.

Last week we shared an insight into our Enhanced Learning Framework that will be embedded over the coming months. This week we would like to share with you updates on how we are moving forward in our student reporting.

St Hilda’s has had a long tradition of providing Summative Reports at the end of each semester, with an Interim Report provided at the end of Term 1 in the Senior School and sample folders and sharing sessions in the Junior School. Progress conversations and feedback throughout the term has always occurred between staff and students, with parents receiving updates through Parent/Teacher meetings and access to assessments online.

Listening to feedback from parents and working in close consultation with teachers, this year we moved to SEQTA, which has given us an opportunity to create a new style of Continuous Reporting that gives parents more meaningful feedback in real time, as well as reflections on learning from the students themselves.

SEQTA has been able to deliver a far more efficient online facility to share students’ growth progressively, throughout the academic term.

By logging into SEQTA regularly you will see assessments, and feedback via Continuous Reporting, rolled out progressively throughout the remainder of the year.

  • It allows full transparency over student’s achievements;
  • Greater accountability of students work habits;
  • Greater engagement with parents;
  • Increased quality of feedback;
  • Empowers self-learning and self-reflection;
  • Provides timely feedback directly linked with learning goalposts; and
  • Student progress can be accessed online, anywhere at any time, on any device.

As a result, the Summative Report that you will receive at the end of Semester 1 will look different. It has been streamlined to focus on marks or grades, depending on the year level, and will include a general comment from the Wellbeing Tutor.