Enrolment Process

With over 1100 students, St Hilda’s offers enrolment for day students from Junior Kindergarten to Year 12, with boarders accepted from Year 7.
Located in Mosman Park, we have three beautiful campuses: our Chidley campus for students in Junior Kindergarten up to Year 6, our original campus on Bay View Terrace, accommodating the Senior School and the Boarding House and our regional campus Yeagarup, located in Pemberton which is used for Outdoor Education experiences and our Year 9 Wandering Spirit program.
A school is more than just buildings, it’s the people within that help create a genuine connection. To ensure St Hilda’s is the right fit for your family, we invite you to see the Spirit of St Hilda’s in action, by Booking a Tour.
Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to email our Admissions Team or phone us on 92854100.
Our Enrolment Process
Step One - Optional Tour
To ensure St Hilda’s is the right fit for your family we encourage you to visit the school.
We invite you and your child to join us on a tour to explore our campuses and meet some of the people that bring them to life.
To book a tour please click here or contact our Admissions team.
To do a virtual tour of our campuses please click the links below
Step Two - Registration
Registration is an expression of interest in St Hilda’s and not a formal commitment. The easy to complete registration form ensures your child will be placed on a register for enrolment in the class and calendar year of your choice. Completion of the registration form does not guarantee your child a place.
Registrations are processed on a date-received basis. The earlier you register your daughter or son the greater the probability of receiving the offer of a place. Preference is given to siblings of current and future confirmed students and to daughters of Old Scholars. Registrations are then processed in date order.
The registration fee is AUD $150 per student which can be paid by money order, bank transfer, credit card or telegraphic transfer. The School requires a copy of your child’s birth certificate and, if applicable, copies of her passport photo page and her student visa/citizenship. The School will send an acknowledgement of your registration.
Step Three - Confirmation of Enrolment
Subject to availability, the School will extend an offer of a place three years before Year 7 intake, two years prior for Year 5 intake and all other years in the 12 months prior to your child’s commencement date. At this time we will request payment of a confirming fee. Once the confirming fee has been received and a signed copy of our Business Conditions returned, your child’s place at St Hilda’s in the year offered is guaranteed. The confirming fee is a one-off payment that is in addition to your tuition fees. It is not refundable or transferable.
The Final Step
Before your child starts his or her first day at St Hilda’s, you are required to complete a number of forms such as medical history and parental consent. The Admissions Office can guide you through the paperwork and provide other relevant information. You will be given details of the orientation and transition process which will help your child adapt to their new school.
Our Waitlist Process
- St Hilda’s offers places three years prior to entry for Year 7, two years prior for Year 5 and all other years in the 12 months prior. The year group is usually full after this time period.
- We encourage you to place your child on a waiting list for your preferred year of entry, even if it is currently full.
- Casual vacancies do arise, often just before the start of the school year due to unexpected work transfers.
- Please note: registering your child on the waiting list is not a guarantee of an offer of a place.
Our Enrolment Policy
Year Calculator
Find your child’s entry year
The School has formal entry points, at Junior Kindergarten, Pre Primary, Year 5 and Year 7. However, new students are welcome to enter at other year levels should places be available.
Register Your Child Today
The easy to complete registration form ensures your child will be placed on a register for enrolment in the class and calendar year of your choice.
If you are applying for a Scholarship, please go to the Scholarships Page.