About the OSA
The Girls' High School (GHS) & St Hilda's Old Scholars Association (OSA) is proud of its 112 year history and membership of over 10,000 women.
The Girls' High School (GHS) & St Hilda's Old Scholars Association (OSA) is proud of its 112 year history and membership of over 10,000 women.
Any person who attended St Hilda's for a minimum of 12 months is entitled to become a Financial Life Member of the GHS & St Hilda's Old Scholars Association upon application.
One of the OSA’s most important contributions to the School is its scholarship program. There are two scholarships offered to students each year, namely the OSA Academic Scholarship and the OSA Ammonite Scholarship.
Events and Reunions are a fantastic opportunity for Old Scholars to come together and reminisce about their time at St Hilda's.
Have you changed your contact details lately? If so, please update your details by clicking below to ensure you receive all relevant communications regarding the OSA, reunions, events, news and updates from St Hilda’s.
The OSA facilitates the Mentoring program in which Old Scholars return to School and share their career journey with current students from Years 10 to 12.
The Heritage Centre Project creates a special place that honours the history and the legacy of the school. Situated in Hope Nicholas House, it is an elegant tribute to the School’s students, staff and principals over 125 years.
OSA Connections Newsletter is sent out monthly during term time and includes details of events, invitations to sign up, links to information, news of old scholars and many more OS related matters. We would love to hear from you.
If you are not receiving your OSA Connections Newsletter please contact Lizzie Warburton on oldscholars@sthildas.wa.edu.au or update your details above.
St Hilda’s OSA are able to obtain copies of their academic transcripts, copies of semester reports, letters of enrolment or other student information. Please complete the application below and post or email to the School.
Located at our Bay View Campus, our Chapel is a space for the whole School community and is open for prayer and reflection every day during term time.
Anglican services take place regularly for students of all ages, and members of the community are welcome to enquire regarding baptism, marriage, first communion, confirmation and funerals. Old Scholars often assemble here during reunions and it is the focus for prayer and support at times of bereavement.