The Parents’ & Friends’ Association (P&F) is an independent not-for-profit organisation consisting of parent volunteers from all year levels and members of the wider community. Parents of all St Hilda’s students are members of the P&F for the duration of their daughter’s enrolment and we warmly encourage you to be an active member. We connect parents with each other socially, contribute to school activities and create opportunities to participate in the life of the school community.
The P&F Association objective is to promote the wellbeing of the School through building engagement and collaboration between the parents and families of students in the following ways:
- to encourage participation and create a sense of community amongst parents and families by providing a variety of social functions e.g. Sundowners
- to raise funds to allow the school to purchase equipment and to fund special projects not covered by its normal budget
- to represent parents by engaging in respectful cooperation, collaboration and communication with St Hilda’s, the St Hilda’s Council, the Principal and their delegates.
The P&F Association is the essential organising body through which the expansive parent volunteer network operates. St Hilda’s parents generously give their support and time, in a variety of ways, each of which contributes to the vibrant sense of community and inclusivity at St Hilda’s and enables many affordable and enjoyable functions to take place across the year.
Each year group is also supported by year representatives who organise social events within their cohorts and give support to new parents.