Impact of Giving

Since 1896, St Hilda’s has long been supported by its community which has valued the specialised education that the School offers. Initially owned and operated in a private home in Claremont on the river by Queenslea Drive, the school quickly grew.

By 1936 it had outgrown its premises and the Anglican Church provided the initial funding to purchase the Bay View Terrace campus in Mosman Park.  Since, parents, alumni and the School council have worked tirelessly to fund the buildings, grounds, and scholarships to ensure the School continued to flourish through the last century.

The community has worked with the School to fundraise for current building projects known as capital campaigns and an Annual Giving campaign. The Capital campaigns support the creation of facilities that enhance contemporary learning. For example, the Joy Shepherd Performing Arts Centre, the Chidley Junior School campus, and the Nicholas Rinehart Science Building are the result of the philanthropic efforts of our community. The Annual Giving campaign supports our scholarship program to be able to provide opportunities for girls to study at St Hilda’s that would not have the opportunity without scholarships.

Read our most recent Impact Report below.


In the 1980s, the School established a Foundation which fundraised to establish a trust fund that could support the School financially into the future. Today, the Foundation draws from these investments providing regular contributions to the School to assist with projects such as the building at the Yeagarup (Pemberton) Campus. Confirming fees, endowment donations and gifts in wills are the essential, ongoing income that secures the future of the School.

Gifts to the School changes the lives of our current and future students and our past students indirectly. For example, the creation of the St Hilda’s Heritage Centre, one of the 2022 capital campaigns, provides a way to commemorate the long history of the school within contemporary interactive displays to engage our community including current and past students and parents.

The impact of giving at St Hilda’s has built many buildings and supported many scholarships students.

What We've Built