Student Life

We start with a strong foundation

As the early years in a child’s development are some of the most important, our Junior School Campus has been designed to provide the best possible learning environment. With plenty of space and nature play areas, our students’ education isn’t limited to the classroom. A strong foundation is supported by specialist learning programs that support the development of the whole child.

Creating confident and compassionate young women

Our Senior School Campus has evolved over time to cater to modern teaching approaches. However, it’s not the buildings that create confident and compassionate young women, it’s what happens inside them. Students will find their passions, be challenged to be their best, and will be supported academically, mentally and emotionally.

Confidence to thrive

Whether it’s the adorable little ones in Kindergarten or our hard-working Year 12s, St Hilda’s pastoral care is tailored to suit the individual. Our focus on wellbeing ensures happy students.

Going further to get closer

Located in Pemberton, our Yeagarup Campus will be used for outdoor education experiences and will form a key component of our Year 9 Rites of Passage Program, Wandering Spirit. Wandering Spirit will allow students to explore their identity, foster respectful relationships, develop authentic resilience, become global citizens and understand the positive impact they can have.

Pathways for learning success

At St Hilda’s, we believe that every student can achieve individual academic success. St Hilda's Differentiated Teaching and Learning Framework provides a flexible learning journey for each and every student. Prior to commencement, all students undertake an assessment to assist teaching staff to ascertain their learning needs. Specialist staff provide additional support, intervention, enrichment or acceleration.

Key Information

Find out how to get to St Hilda’s, what our term dates are and cocurricular opportunities on offer.