Wills and Bequests

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.
G.K Chesterton
The Gift of Education
When you reflect on what’s really changed the course of one’s life, it’s often education that first comes to mind. Teachers shape our thinking, our school friends shape our lives, our school opens our eyes to a community broader than we ever imagined.
So, when it comes to making a will, leaving a legacy of education for the next generation is one of the most precious gifts you can make.
When you make a donation in your Will, you make a lasting difference to the future of the School. A bequest links your family to St Hilda’s in perpetuity.
There are many ways you can support the School in your Will. Each bequest is unique and personal and discussing your wishes with the Director of School Development & Philanthropy will ensure that your gift will be used exactly as you intend.
By leaving a gift in your will, you will be named a Custodian of the St Hilda’s and will receive a special Offer Society Pin to reflect your status.
The Offer Society
The Offer Society is named after Shirley Offer. In 2009, St Hilda’s received a transformational bequest from Old Scholar, Shirley Offer (1944). This bequest enabled the School to build the Joy Shepherd Performing Arts Centre in 2011. It is still regarded as one of Perth’s best school theatres. In recognition of Ms Offer’s generosity and her love of St Hilda’s, the Offer Society was formed in her memory.
The St Hilda’s Offer Society includes our community of donors who have given or pledged a certain amount to the School’s Philanthropy program or pledged a bequest. Members of our Offer Society support our Scholarship Fund, Building Fund and Gifts in Will.
The need – A gift that changes lives
School fees cover academic studies and provide quality instruction; however, the school needs additional funding support to invest in future buildings, facilities, and scholarships.
Community investment has allowed St Hilda’s to fund the industry-leading Joy Shepherd Performing Arts Centre, the state-of-the-art Nicholas Rinehart Science Centre, the heated pool and swim centre, and the highly regarded Junior School Campus with its spacious grounds and sporting facilities. In addition, the School has a long history in providing scholarship support from generous donations from gifts in wills.
A gift in your will to St Hilda’s contributes to the future of the School. Choosing to remember the School in your Will is an investment in the future of our students and the quality of their education. It enables St Hilda’s to continue to develop the School to the highest standards and leaves a significant legacy for future generations of young women.
How do I leave a bequest?
There are many ways you can support the School in your Will. The greatest impact you can provide is through an unrestricted bequest which can be directed by the Principal and the St Hilda’s Council to areas of the greatest need. This provides the most flexibility to the School to make decisions that maximise the benefit of your bequest.
Each bequest is unique and personal and discussing your wishes with the Director of School Development and Philanthropy will ensure that your gift will be used exactly as you intend. Please complete the Form Below or contact Kellie Hasluck by email philanthropy@sthildas.wa.edu.au or by phone 08 92854229.
Gift in Will Form