Saints Connect
Connection with your child’s school positively impacts them as much as it does on you. We’d love you to be involved in an area you’re passionate about. Join one of our Saints Connect groups and meet people who share your interests and help the school continue to thrive.
Parents who volunteer through Saints Connect are invited to regular updates run by the principal throughout the year.
We’d love to see you share some of your time and expertise at the School through Saints Connect. There’s a volunteering opportunity to suit everyone.
Contact us to find out more on 9285 4100 or by email
Volunteering Opportunities
Parent Year Group Representative Connect
If you’re keen to build community in your year group and enjoy organising fun events, consider becoming a Year Group Parent Representative. The role is shared by a number of parents and is an ideal way of strengthening connections among families.
What the role entails:
- Welcome new parents and provide additional information if they seek it.
- Organise an event each term that connects parents and/or families outside of school hours.
- Share information from the school about school-related events
- Advocate for and encourage volunteering among parents.
To register your interest, please sign up below:
For further information contact:
Community Engagement Coordinator
9285 4100
Junior School Connect
Our Junior School parents are the lifeblood of the school and this group gives them the opportunity to contribute positively to their children’s educational experience. Our pool of volunteers are called on to assist with excursions, social activities, and sharing their knowledge and expertise as speakers and mentors.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Excursions and Incursions
- Helping to set up and supervise school social functions, open days or fundraisers
- Speakers for the Girls Lifting Girls Series
- Engineers and IT expertise for the STEAM room
- Mentors for the ESSTEAM program
Sign up via the link below:
Music Connect
Share the joy of music with the Music Department. With concerts held throughout the year, there’s always an opportunity to put your hand up and help out on the night. The Music Department works with a pool of people to call on to help with small jobs that enhance our music offering at St Hilda’s.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Be available to help with ushering, stagehands, adjudicator assistants.
- Help with fundraising to repair and replace instruments.
- Help with cataloguing music
Sign up via the link below:
Dance Connect
Our Dance Program runs across both campuses. With Arts Festival, the MADD concert and the IGGSA Dance competitions, there are plenty of opportunities for the girls to perform. Dance Connect parents help us coordinate the dance performances and organise costumes.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Costume making
- Backstage and logistics at events
- Front of house at concerts
Sign up via the link below:
Drama Connect
Drama and performance at St Hilda’s runs from Pre-primary to Year 12 with the girls having the opportunity to perform on stage at the Year 6 production, the Year 7 & 8 production, and the Major School Production.
From backstage to front of house, the Drama Department relies on volunteers to ensure it’s smooth sailing until the curtain falls.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Costume making
- Front of house
- Backstage
- Opening night organisation
- Fundraising
Sign up via the link below:
Art Connect
The Art Department always has something creative on the go. We would love to have parents involved who have a passion for visual arts and are willing to share their time and talent.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Volunteering to supervise the art exhibition (one week in November)
- Helping at the Art Exhibition launch event.
- Assisting with masterclasses.
- Volunteering at the Art Retreat at Yeagarup (March)
Sign up via the link below:
Our ESSTEAM program will require mentors and coaches across a range of disciplines to help bring authentic learning to the classroom. Volunteers would be needed for short-term projects and would be required to invest time in both face-to-face and virtual sessions for our Students. We need coaches with experience in the following areas:
- Start-up Founders
- Business Models
- Finance
- Project management
- Sales & Marketing
We are also looking for real-life sustainability and business problems for our students to work on during term and pitch panellists to provide feedback on our students’ entrepreneurship endeavours.
Sign up via the link below:
Sports Connect
If your child loves sport then consider volunteering for Sports Connect. It’s a great way to be involved with the IGGSA or JIGSSA carnivals and provide extra support at celebrations after the events.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Volunteering on the day to assist teachers at the event.
- Volunteering to help set up pre or post-event celebrations.
Sign up via the link below:
Junior Sports Connect Sign Up Here
Senior Sports Connect Sign Up Here
Rowing Connect
If you’re a rowing parent, you need a friendly face at 5am. Join this group of dedicated parents to run the Regatta, celebrate the year and raise funds for equipment. Our partnership with Scotch will allow parents across both schools to meet and socialise in the future.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Year rep coordinator who is responsible for
- Volunteering to bake food and set up at one Regatta
- Volunteering to set up the end-of-season dinner
- Fundraising
Sign up via the link below:
Community Service Connect
Our service program is wide and varied. It’s designed to encourage our students to give back to the community through acts of community service. Some of the community service activities we get involved in include:
- Ronald McDonald House
- Feeding the Homeless
- Breakfast Club at Mosman Primary
- Visiting aged care homes
Sometimes we need assistance with transport, cooking and assisting with supervision.
Volunteering opportunities:
- Preparing meals, cakes or pre-packaged food parcels
- Transport and/or supervision of girls on community service
- Assisting with packaging items for donation
Sign up via the link below: